
Seeing with new eyes

June 2, 2013 in Blog

Seeing with new eyes

by Jill Sockman

I took last week off to get in a 5-day Tantra intensive with my teacher. There was a very small group of us for this training — only 22 — and the training was held in a retreat center on the Baja peninsula — about halfway between Cabo and Todos Santos. For those of you who don’t know the terrain, it’s beautiful desert land along the rugged Pacific coast. There’s a striking beauty to the contrast between the dry scrub and cactus and the wild sea that feels so powerful, so raw.

The center where we stayed (we’ll be taking a retreat/continuing education trip there next year!)… Read the rest

In the habit of busy?

May 2, 2013 in Blog

In the habit of busy?

by Jill Sockman

I’m a list maker and I always have been. I think the source of the habit is two-fold: part because of the inexplicable glee I get from crossing items off said list and part because my brain is incapable of remembering more than three things at any given time. And so I have lists: things to do, groceries/supplies to buy, books to read, projects to begin/complete — even the list of lists is endless. They live in multiple notebooks, on my computer, in my phone, on the back of receipts in my wallet and in general, I am not sure if I’m bound by or held together by these endless notes.… Read the rest

The Power of Place

April 15, 2013 in Blog

The Power of Place

by Jill Furgurson

Allow me to tell you about my home practice space — not because I think it is an ideal model of peace and perfection, but precisely because it is not. When I am not teaching or practicing at the beautiful blue sanctuary, my mat unfolds between my dresser, my desk, a coat rack, and sometimes a laundry basket, piles of books, or my husband’s work boots. Is this sounding like a yoga oasis yet? I thought not…

But once I unfold my mat, usually after first sweeping up the latest deluge of dog hair, something wonderful happens.… Read the rest

Svadhyaya (self-study) is around every corner

April 1, 2013 in Blog

Svadhyaya (self-study) is around every corner

by Jill Sockman

During a heated conversation this weekend, I was informed that I am uptight. What?!? Me?!?! UPTIGHT?!?!? (DO YOU WANNA SEE UPTIGHT?!?!?!?) After about forty minutes of mental yogic breathing techniques, I was able to return(-ish) to the conversation as a human being rather than a rabid Grizzly. But later on, it did get me to thinking…

My life is built around a somewhat inflexible set schedule. Not only the classes, workshops, meetings and trainings that comprise my workweek (which is a 7-day endeavor), but my own routine of getting up early, doing my practice, walking the boo, drinking my tea… It’s a rhythm that, when well in place, is very healthy and helps keep me in balance.… Read the rest

Spring, Ayurvedically speaking

March 18, 2013 in Blog

Spring, Ayurvedically speaking

by Jill Furgurson


A few days ago, I was surprised by a patch of blooming violets in my backyard. In my body at least, it still feels like winter. But there they were, bravely bearing the variable temperatures and breezy days to put forth new growth. As if to reinforce the message that spring was on its way, an unlucky bird chose to make her home in my mailbox while I was away for the weekend. Regrettably, I cleared away the bits of worn leave and moss, presuming she was anticipating laying some eggs on my front porch.… Read the rest